A business letter to present services to a company is one of the most effective means of offering your services and getting clients, of course, if you write it well.
It is a business card that works very well even though email is currently the king and has been relegated to everything printed. The disadvantage of email is that it can be taken as spam and get caught in the junk mail tray. On the other hand, a printed business letter gives a more serious and professional image of the product you are offering.
A business letter can help you to offer the services of your company or even your services as a freelance and can become the best or the worst first impression that you have of you as a professional or as a company so it is advisable to follow some guidelines so that this type of contact with your potential clients is a point in your favor and not against.
1.- Always customize: No company that is important will take you into account if you send a generic letter in which you do not even give the name of the person to whom it is addressed. It is your obligation to find out who makes the decisions and the position of that person to consign it in the letter.
2.- Emphasize the benefits for the company: Instead of talking only about your good services, prioritize describing the problems that your company or business will be able to help solve the company that hires you and how you will benefit from it.
3 .- Do not dwell too much: The person who will read your letter is a person with an important position linked to decision making and insurance has a lot of correspondence to read. The idea is that you manage to capture their attention so that you do not leave your letter aside after reading the first lines and that you can accurately explain how you can help with a specific problem or how you can contribute something positive with your services to your company.

How to write a business letter to present a company
Presenting a company to other companies or clients is a very positive attitude, because it allows to establish commercial links and obtain recognition.
The presentation of a company can be done at any time and not only when the company is going to be inaugurated as many people believe. To present a company to a future or regular customer and other companies, it is necessary to prepare a business letter.
The commercial letter is the most used resource by companies, because it allows to obtain better results in short times. Now for the commercial letter to be effective it is necessary that its content causes interest in the recipient. Therefore, when it comes to presenting a company, it must be remembered that, depending on what the letter says and transmits, the recipient will build an image about the company.

To write a business letter for the presentation of a company we must respect the structure of any business letter that is the following: header (letterhead, city, date, recipient and greeting), body (content of the letter) and the farewell (which must include the sender’s signature).
The content of the letter of presentation of a company should be written with utmost care with spelling and grammar. The letter should be brief and in a formal, but clear language. Like any commercial letter, the letter of presentation of a company should not be drafted by hand or machine, it should be printed on a computer.

Finally, if you want your letter not to be ignored, you should start with a greeting that shows cordiality and kindness. In addition, in the first lines of your letter you must briefly indicate the reason or subject, in this case the subject is the presentation of the company. In the following lines you should refer more in detail about the company you are presenting. Finally, you should bid farewell cordially, thanking the recipient for having paid attention to your letter.